Monday, August 1, 2016

I Would Do It Again

I am back from my trip. Was it worth it? The short answer is, Yes!

I wrote this short report for In the Gap, the ministry that I partnered with, and I didn't like how it turned out...I felt like I said a lot of words, but didn't really convey what I wanted to.
"I knew that God wanted me here at Operation IMPACT, but I felt totally unfit, unprepared, and unable. From day one, I was sure I was in over my head. But I knew that God was with me, and that it really wasn't my job to pull it off on my own. He is the One at work, and He has invited me to be a part of it. The biggest lesson the Lord has taught me through it all is to fully give Him all that I am and all that I have. I'm to rest in His sufficiency, and let Him work through me. 
Whether sleep deprived, or faced with a team situation I don't know how to solve, or put in charge of a rowdy group of children I don't know how to control, I know God is always the answer. It's easy to try to do things in my own strength, but I am so thankful that God is strong in my weakness. Multiple times at Bible clubs over the past week, I've seen God directly answer prayers for peace, for children to be quiet and listen, for our teaching to be clear, for attitudes to be transformed, and for children to be saved. God is a God at hand and not far off. He is the One at work, and I am privileged to be part of what He is doing here at Operation IMPACT."
I still don't know if I can put into words how wonderful it was to be there, to learn what I learned, and to experience what I experienced. Therefore, I'll try to just share a few telling snap-shots.

We were nearing the end of week-one of teaching clubs. My team had pulled together and was doing a great job encouraging one-another, but all we had at our club were very young children and none of my team members had yet had the opportunity to talk with any of them about salvation. I asked the other team leaders in our morning meeting to pray that my team would not get discouraged and the girl who prayed went one step farther, asking God for a child to come and ask questions after the Bible lesson that day! One did!!!!! She was young, a little confused, but she has questions, she was thinking, and one of my girls got to talk with her and share God's Word with her!!!!!  God answers specific prayer!

My brain hurt. I was tired. The day had been super hectic, extremely long, hot and humid, and discouraging. Climbing into the van with my team to drive back "home" I could tell that we were all starting to get a little down and our conversation was showing it. Remembering something I had learned in my training, I started the engine and called out, "Everybody tell me five things that you are thankful for, starting in the back!" It took a moment or two to really get everyone's wheels turning, but by the time we got to the front of the van and it was my turn the people in the back were clamoring for another turn! We spent the entire 15-minute drive home naming off ever so many things that we were thankful to God for just as fast as could be. How did we feel when we arrived? Energized!!!!!!

"Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days." - Ecclesiastes 11:1 Our team had been encouraging one-another that our purpose is not to save children. We can't. Our calling is to faithfully tell the Good News, and that is what we were doing. 
It was the very last day of club and my team was doing our middle-of-the-day club at one of the local Community Centers. That day three boys said "Yes" to Jesus!!!! Problem, none of them had Bibles. Second problem, I had decided to leave the Bibles behind that day in favor of a little more space for props in our little car-trunk (oh me of little faith!). Solution! Our wonderful cook was going to be able to drive out and bring us three Bibles!!! Hooray! 
Problem, two of the boys are leaving and the Bible's aren't here yet.... *sigh*  We said good-bye and went back into the building. 30 seconds later one of my team-mates runs up to me, "Joanna, the Bibles are here!" Out the door the two of us run, meeting the van in the parking lot. We can see the boys rounding the corner of the neighboring school building as we reach out eager hands to receive the Bibles extended towards us through the open driver's window. Each of us grabs a Bible and takes off running for the quickly disappearing boys and their older brothers. We catch up, breathless, panting, but triumphantly waving the promised Bibles. The older boys give us quizzical, clueless looks, but the radiant smiles on their younger brother's faces far out-shine them. And perhaps, perhaps they'll wonder what in the world is so special about those books to make two grown girls sprint across two big parking lots looking like wild maniacs just to be able to deliver them to their younger brothers. And perhaps, perhaps they'll be curious enough to read the books themselves and find out....

Quick statistics: 357 children reached, the gospel presented over 180 times, 30 Bibles and New Testaments given out, 119 children counseled, and 36 children brought to Christ during the course of Operation IMPACT!

Thank YOU for praying!


  1. That is amazing AND encouraging! We serve a great God, don't we! Thank you for sharing, Joanna!

  2. Wow, Joanna! I'm so motivated by your stories of God's faithfulness and His answers to your prayers - God loves to give good gifts to His children, doesn't He! Love you lots! - Abigail

  3. Amazing stories, thanks so much for sharing, they were very encouraging. Boone
